Saturday, August 14, 2010

Iftar Kubro Pepias Gombak

Salam Ibadah...

Insya Allah pada hari Khamis 19hb Ogos bersamaan 09 Ramadhan,
akan diadakan Iftor Kubrobersama mantan pimpinan Pepias Gombak, Abang azali & semua batch Pepias Gombak bertempat di Edu LR 6.
Makanan disediakan...:-)

Agendanya adalah seperti berikut:-
6.00 ptg - Bacaan Mathurat & sedikit tazkirah
7.15 mlm - Iftar & Solat Maghrib berjemaah
8.00 mlm - Sesi bersama dengan Abang Azali
8.45 mlm - Solat Isyak & Terawih berjemaah

Setiap kehadiran bolehlah dimaklumkan kepada wakil setiap batch atau terus kepada p.i.c program, Saudari Ainun Jariyah di talian 013-2275039.
Jom same2x meriahkan majlis ukhuwah kite...(@_@)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan

This month of Ramadhan,
hopefully it will be better than the previous one. So, what's is your goal dear friends? ask your heart, it will answer to your question...

We, in Gombak would love to express our gratitude and appreciation to the arrival of this holy month. It is a great opportunity to us fellow Muslims to perform 'Ibadah and other good deeds as it will be granted with glorious reward by Allah.

Lets compete, and lets count our reward everyday...
And how much do you think we will get just in one day?,
how about a week, a month?
maybe our dear mathematicians can count it for us.....